Monthly weather reports for NOVEMBER 2023
Monthly temp/rain/wind summary report: click here
Rainfall chart: click here
Barometric chart: click here
Year sum: click here
After the extreme rain of October, the average rainfall for the month, following the very wet first few days, was closer to the normal for the time of year. Higher pressure and a cold Arctic blast gave us a chilly end to the month with a light snow covering.
October 2023, with 348mm of rain, was the wettest month recorded in this region for very many years. There were several 24 hour periods where rainfall exceeded 50mm (2”). Although the media is full of man-made climate change alarm, it must be said that the natural El Nino induced Pacific weather cycle, that affects weather here and around the World, has started again. Added to that, we are entering a very vigorous solar maximum period, which is expected to peak next year. Not only will this have an effect on communications, satellites etc: it could also significantly influence our weather.
Monthly weather reports for SEPTEMBER 2023
Monthly weather reports for AUGUST 2023
Monthly temp/rain/wind summary report: click here
Rainfall chart: click here
Barometric chart: click here
Year sum: click here
Rainfall for August was a little below average, but temperatures were disappointingly well below average and, at best, occasionally reaching only the low twenties. As in July, the jet stream remained to the South, maintaining a cooler air stream.
Monthly weather reports for JULY 2023
Monthly temp/rain/wind summary report: click here
Rainfall chart: click here
A very cool and wet July, with approximately twice the average rainfall for the month and exceeding the high rainfall of July 2017.
At this time of year, the Jet Stream is normally in the latitudes well to the North of Scotland: this July the Jet Stream has moved South, lying approximately over Northern France, introducing cool conditions for us and very hot conditions for central and Southern Europe.
Monthly weather reports for JUNE 2023
Monthly temp/rain/wind summary report: click here
Rainfall chart: click here
Barometric chart: click here
Year sum: click here
The first half of the month was dominated by high pressure and warm days – but, despite the hype, no heatwave, as the required three consecutive days of 25degC were not quite reached. The last two weeks were wet and produced about the average rainfall for the month.
Monthly weather reports for MAY 2023
Rainfall chart: Click here
Barometric chart: Click here
Year sum: Click here
Up to the 19th of the month, rainfall and temperatures were slightly less than average. After the 19th, it became drier and warmer, with a very large and static area of high pressure and Easterly winds dominating the climate.
Monthly weather reports for APRIL 2023
Rainfall chart: Click here
Barometric chart: Click here
Year sum: Click here
Although April was a little wetter than average, there were some pleasant sunny days, especially during the third week. However, the climate was dominated for much of the time by a cool East wind, which has delayed the growing season and there is little evidence of returning Swallows, which normally arrive about mid-month.
Monthly weather reports for MARCH 2023
Monthly temp/rain/wind summary report: Click here
A relatively cold month, with frequent night frosts and with temperatures down to -6℃ in the early part of the month.
Rainfall was also above average for the month.
Monthly weather reports for FEBRUARY 2023
Monthly temp/rain/wind summary report: click here
Barometric chart: click here
Year sum: click here
Rainfall for the month produced about half the February average and comming mainly in the second half of the month. There was little frost and only three days when the temperature fell beneath zero.
Monthly weather reports for JANUARY 2023
Monthly temp/rain/wind summary report: click here
Barometric chart: click here
The month was a fairly “normal” January with rainfall a little less than average and temperatures very much average.